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Kahunshivapur – Cities for the Youth
Ward - 02


Ward number 2, Kahushivapur is formed combining; ward number 4, 5, 6 and 9 former Kahushivapur VDC. According to the national census of 2068, there are 609 households and the total population of the ward is 3, 023 with 1269 male and 1,754 female. Magar, Chhetri, Thakuri, Newar, Brahmin, Gurung, Dalits are the inhabitants of the wards.

Majority of people depend on agriculture for living. Paddy, maize, black lentils and rice are grown in abundance. People also rear cattle, pigs and do poultry farming for living. Women from Gwaslung weave traditional carpets, cushions, sukuls using hay and straw.

The ward has high potential for vegetable farming, citrus fruit farming and animal farming. Local farmers could be motivated to commercial farming as they have familiarized themselves with modern tools and techniques. With increased agricultural products the ward can explore potentials by building processing centres, cold stores, meat industries and create jobs within wards for the youths. Promoting local handicrafts could be another aspect of economic development and environment development as least plastic products will be in use.














Commercial Fruit Farming

Farmer Sher Bahadur Taru Thapa of Kuhunshivpur, Garangadi tole cultivates commercial uits. He has planted oranges, lemons and avocados in his 10 ropani lands.  Farmer Thapa who has been cultivating fruits since 2055 BS has 150 orange, 200 lemon and 18 avocado plants in his garden. He sells his fruits…

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Kahunshivapur Opportunities

Employment opportunities are likely to be created in this ward if vegetable farming, fruit farming, poultry farming, goat rearing are done through use of modern technology and handicraft enterprises  are established and build products like Sukul, Gundri, Chakati using traditional skills and techniques.

Vegetable Farming



Mini Stories

Thesea are small byte sized testimonals collected from the people of Kahunshivapur in various themes like agriculture, agro tourism, citrus farming, road access, potential tourism destination of the future and many more.